Tuesday, August 6, 2013

People must always stand up for their rights. The order day Mr Charles Apiloko and I went to the Federal High Court to ask if the State Governor has the constitutional right to just arbitrarily ban the use of Okada motor cycle as a means of transportation. Many praise singers derided our action but read and see what happens when your rights are violated and you keep silent. http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2013/08/05/2415191/texas-police-pull-over-three-women-and-search-their-vaginas-for-marijuana/


Monday, August 5, 2013

Still on Chief Anthony Anenih .... The pull him down, PhD syndrome is at play here. But thank God that will never work for Chief Anenih. A great son of Edo State that has mastered the politc of Nigeria. He has rasien to the pinacle of Politics in Nigeria just like Chief Tom Ikhimi. In politics that is the highest, a minority becoming the national Chairman of his party. Happy Birthday to a world acclaimed political Leader from my state.
My response to a write up on Chief Antony Anenih on his 80th birthday... ... @ Husman Yakub I do not know any of Chief Anthony Anenih's children. None of his kids are in politics, knowing that their father can will them to any position he or the kids so desire, yet non of his kids are in political lime light. He was minister of Works and did not abuse his office by grabbing everything to his constituency like you rightly observed. He does not have a flamboyant house and there are no good roads to his house. All this goes to show that he was not corrupt and the kind of man the Chief is