Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Americans always back the powers that be or the people behind the throne,  the true king makers of America are good at is protecting their Presidency. In 2008 when McCain ran against Obama for the presidency he was all over the place insulting and talking down to Obama. But all of a sudden  he just  backed down. My reading at the time was that the powers that be already new that Obama was going to win so they prevailed on McCain to back down. He obeyed and started showing respect to Obama.  If you watch the final debate between Obama and Romney last night you will notice that Romney has already biting the bug.  I am sure those powerful people behind the throne, some are saying that it may be the CIA or some intelligence community that may have prevailed on Romney to show maximum respect to the PRESIDENT which was very obvious yesterday. The question now is are there any agency or group or persons  in Nigeria that could take decisions on our national interest and be respected?

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