Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My response to Abie Uwa Okhomina's post on facebook http://www.facebook.com/abieyuwa.okhomina/posts/10151372012351440?notif_t=close_friend_activity Your write up is full of GENERALIZATION. If you were talking of one family, village or town one would understand, but to say AFRICANS is oversimplification. Haven said that, people build wealth everywhere even in villages. You build wealth when you income is bigger than your expenses, when you are able to save the excess and are able to invest in a profit yielding ventures. In every community there will always be someone whose income is above expenses and would ready give loans to others. There are many wealthy families in Benin and many cities in africa that have invested well, that will not depend on their children to make it. We must not generalise the whole world is reading or post and comments.

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