Friday, June 21, 2013

The stealth  and dangerously conspiracy against the Benins is becoming very clear for all to see,  even now  in the house of God.  Shine your eyes my dear people of Benin.   On the NTA news this evening, today 21st June 2013, some concerned Benin members of the Catholic Church in Edo South accused their Arch Bishop Akubeze for systematically erasing the legacy of the Benins from the Church. They accused him of systematically igbolising the church. They even gave several instances. For example they said there are  34 priest of Igbo extraction to just 2 of Benin in Edo South. I hear too that the Pastor at Winners church at St Saviour Street who is an Igbo is also trying to erase the legacy of the Benins his church. Just last week I asked in my church why is it that all praise and worship song was either in Yoruba or igbo? Is it that God only understand those languages or that we do not have songs in Benin language? Why is it that Churches like winners, Mountain of Fire, Baptist, Catholic, Anglican and the rest send Yoruba and Igbo pastors to pastor their Benin Churches. Do we have Benin Pastors in Yoruba and Igbo land. Is it that there are no Benins to man these churches? Or Is this a new face of internal COLONIALISM that the Benins are dealing with?

1 comment:

Osbert Agho Blog said...

Here is a vanguard newspaper article on the issue I raised a couple of days back .......