Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Here is another response to Ralph Odua's post on EPF on Facebook on the the ownership of 9 air planes by the Presidency of Nigeria,..... Hahaha @Ralph Odua we are the Federal Republic of Nigeria and not some communist country. We are a capitalist country just like the United States. The logistics of running a presidential form of government requires that the Presidency have 10 planes, Legislature 5 planes, Judiciary 2 planes, All ministers and state governors one each. As state governors are spending billions in chartering planes to move around. Air-plane is no longer a luxury so let us not make it to look like one. It is a necessity. For the price of a new Bugatti Veyron you can buy 2 great used private jet. So why are we short changing ourselves and country? What is an air-plane for a country to that makes millions of Dollars everyday from the sale of crude oil?

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