Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Nigeria Gas Company frustrates pipeline project

On the 15th of April 2008, The Enegie of Oheze, Eso, Ugo and Oben communities went to warri to meet with the management of Nigeria Gas Company NGC and Zakeem Engineering to discus their differences on the laying of Gas pipeline from Oben in Edo State to Geregu in Kogi State. The NGC staff at the meeting were arrogant and instead of discussing the issues that will bring all the parties together they were busy patronizing the visitors. The Enegie had asked for Schools and hospitals in the various communities. However, the NGC whose lease on the land which they had laid a previous pipeline had expired insisted that they were expecting the Enegie to pay outstanding rent on the farm land to NGC. Their assertion was that since NGC had leased the land from the enegie they, the enegie, had no right to plant/farm on the pipeline right of way. The discussions were heated but another meeting has been scheduled for next week.

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